American Night is a gripping and stylish crime thriller set in the neon-lit streets of New York City. The movie follows an anti-hero courier as he navigates through a nonlinear timeline of events involving gangsters, shootouts, and a mysterious safe deposit box. With elements of contemporary art and pop culture, American Night is a cult psychotronic film that explores themes of betrayal, revelation, and the dark underbelly of the city. Get ready for a thrilling ride filled with car chases, taxi rides, and unexpected twists.
The Price of Everything is a documentary that delves into the world of contemporary art and the high-stakes art market. It takes a deep dive into the lives of artists, collectors, dealers, and auctioneers, revealing the complex dynamics and motivations behind the buying and selling of artwork. From iconic pieces by renowned artists to the astronomical prices they command, the film explores the value and perception of art in today's society. With interviews from artists like Jeff Koons and collectors like Larry Poons, The Price of Everything provides a fascinating glimpse into the art world.
As one art scene insider proclaims, the contemporary art world can be summed up as “rich people trying to prove how rich they are,” but is that all there is to this billion dollar industry? Well-researched and expertly constructed, Barry Avrich’s eye-opening documentary peels back the layers of the art world economy- from production to circulation, and delineates every integral player in the game of art-making, including curators, gallerists, collectors, donors, auction houses, and … artists. In the process, he unpacks the complex and surprising ecosystem that supports the art world superstars and million-dollar deals that make front-page news. Featuring extraordinary access to industry players and candid statements from prominent artists like Damien Hirst, Julian Schnabel, Taryn Simon, and Marina Abramovic, Blurred Lines collides the two narratives of the art world as both above and beholden to market forces.
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