Mo' Better Blues is a captivating comedy-drama film set in 1990s New York City. It follows the story of a talented saxophonist and his struggles to balance his love for jazz music, his complex relationships, and his pursuit of success. The film explores themes of friendship, love, rivalry, and the challenges faced by African-American musicians in the industry. With stunning performances and an engaging storyline, Mo' Better Blues is an entertaining watch for music and movie enthusiasts alike.
Jimmy returns to Ireland and opens a community center, but is met with resistance from the government.
Follows the daily lives of 8 women with different backgrounds through what they eat and whom they date.
Noticing Marie's devastation after her boyfriend, Paul, dumps her, call boy Theo tries to help, and their friendship soon grows deeper, touching a part of Theo he's frozen in order to service his male clients. When Paul returns, however, his presence threatens this fragile new union.
16-year old girl has lost her grandfather. She takes her grandfather's old film camera and gets interested in photographing. During the process of getting better in her new hobby, she also learns how to see things with the new eyes.
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