Snow-White is a classic hand-drawn animated movie that parodies the fairytale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. It combines slapstick comedy and surreal elements to tell the story of Snow-White, who encounters a wicked stepmother, anthropomorphic characters, and magical mirrors. The movie features a mix of blues and jazz music, along with jukebox musical elements. Snow-White faces challenges such as being turned inside out, encountering a snowstorm, and being sentenced to death. It explores themes of jealousy, anthropomorphism, and surrealism.
Minnie the Moocher is a surreal comedy about a girl named Betty Boop who runs away from home and encounters supernatural and musical adventures. She meets a skeleton named Bimbo and they come across a ghost and an animate skeleton. Along the way, they encounter various surreal and fantastical elements such as an anthropomorphic flower, a talking walrus, and a jazz band. The film combines dark comedy, musical numbers, and supernatural horror in a unique and entertaining way.
In this classic hand-drawn animated film, an old man goes on a mountain adventure filled with comedy, jazz music, and unexpected encounters with various animals. The story follows the mishaps and hilarious situations the old man finds himself in, including a chase with a skunk, the rescue of a damsel in distress, and a playful interaction with a goat. With a touch of jazz and a hint of slapstick humor, this movie takes the audience on a fun-filled journey.
In this all-black cast short, legendary blues singer Bessie Smith finds her gambler lover Jimmy messin' with a pretty, younger woman; he leaves and she sings the blues, with chorus and dancers.
Melodrama of the attempt to smash a drug ring and to promote a former addict singer's rehabilitation. Edited from TV series, Cain's Hundred
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