The series is based on the manga Tokusatsu Gagaga, a comedy manga by Tanba Niwa. Tokusatsu Gagaga series follows Kano Nakamura, an office lady played by Fuka Koshiba, who is secretly a tokusatsu otaku, a toku-ota. She lives her life by the code of tokusatsu heroes and often envisions herself as one as a means to make it through her daily struggles.
SHIROBAKO follows the journey of Aoi Miyamori and her friends as they work in the competitive and demanding world of anime production. Together, they face the pressures of meeting deadlines, dealing with creative differences, and juggling their personal lives.
Aggretsuko (2018) follows the life of Retsuko, a mild-mannered red panda who works in an office. Frustrated with her job and the daily challenges she faces, she finds solace in heavy metal karaoke, where she can unleash her true feelings and vent her frustrations. This slice-of-life comedy explores themes of work, friendship, and the struggles of adulthood.
Akihabara is the center of the universe for the coolest hobbies and quirkiest amusements. In the spring of 1999, bright-eyed Nagomi Wahira moves there with dreams of joining a maid café. She quickly dons an apron at café Ton Tokoton, AKA the Pig Hut. But adjusting to life in bustling Akihabara isn't as easy as serving tea and delighting customers. Paired with the dour Ranko who never seems to smile, Nagomi must do her best to elevate the Pig Hut over all other maid cafés vying for top ranking. Along the way she'll slice out a place for herself amid the frills and thrills of life at the Pig Hut. Just when Nagomi's dreams are within her grasp, she discovers not everything is as it seems amid the maid cafés of Akihabara.
My Senpai Is Annoying follows the story of an office worker named Futaba Igarashi and her interactions with her annoying but caring senpai, Harumi Takeda. As they navigate their daily lives in the workplace, a budding romance begins to blossom between them, leading to both humorous and heartwarming moments.
Remake Our Life! is a TV show about a college student named Hashiba Kyouya who regrets the choices he made in his life. Suddenly, he finds himself transported back in time to his college days. With this second chance, Kyouya decides to make different choices and pursue his dreams of becoming a game developer.
People from around the globe who put down roots in Japan offer a glimpse into their lives and the hardships they face in Japanese society.
Hinako is the executive assistant to the CEO of Relation Gate, a startup company growing at breakneck speed. Apt to listen to his gut feelings, her boss bombards her day in and day out with tall orders he concocts on a whim. Life is far from chill for Hinako, who hasn't had a boyfriend in six years. She barely even has time to sit and think carefully about her future. Each long workday ends with the same toxic thought, "I find no meaning doing this!" as she clutches a beer and lets out a huge sigh.
FRONTRUNNERS highlights professionals at the very forefront of their field. We showcase their amazing work, discover their motivations, and learn about the challenges they face in the future.
Going beyond the horizon. Meet Japan's entrepreneurs whose innovative thinking is changing traditional mindsets in their various fields of work.
Set in the near future, a game “VR Workplace” where persons can virtually experience the ideal work environment is gaining attraction. It promises to support the NEET (persons not employed or in school) population in assimilating them into the workforce. However, one day, a bug within the game emerges in the form of a character named “Manager Iwaki” who harasses other players.
Brash businessman Hideki (Arata Iura) convinces his Tokyo bosses he can turn a profitless Montana cattle ranch into a premiere-performing asset. However, when his Japanese Wagyu-beef expert fails him, Hideki is poised to fail unless he identifies a missing element that's key to the transformation: himself.
Follow the journey of game developer Hideo Kojima and his team at Kojima Productions as they create the innovative video game Death Stranding. This documentary explores the challenges, creative process, and the Japanese workplace culture behind the making of the highly anticipated game.
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