Twenty-Four Eyes is a heartwarming drama set in rural Japan during the 1920s to 1940s. It follows the story of a dedicated schoolteacher and her students as they navigate through the challenges of life, including poverty, cultural conservatism, militarism, and the impact of war. The film explores themes of nationalism, imperialism, patriotism, and the importance of education in shaping the lives of young individuals.
"InuNeko" is the story of a very strange love triangle between a teacher, her student and the young man they both love. Things get really strange, though, when Yuki, the teacher played by former Miniskirt Police member Tomomi Miyauchi, switches bodies with Makino, her student played by gravure idol Charlotte Yabuki. Toraichi (Masato Uchiyama), the young man in the middle of all this isn't quite sure what to make of it all... including how Yuki has somehow inherited Makino's hairy armpits.
Based on the comic book by Mutsumi Tsukumov
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