Strobe Edge is a live-action adaptation of a popular manga. It follows the story of a high school girl who falls in love with a model, leading to a love triangle and various romantic dilemmas. The film explores themes of youth, relationships, and unfulfilled love within a school setting.
Maki, a creative executive with a deep-seated loathing for vegetables, meets Nagisa, a closeted gay vegetarian with amazing cooking skills and they end up as roommates. Being complete opposites, the two initially clash. But Maki falls for Nagisa and his food over time. As they begin accepting the other as they are, a unique relationship flourishes.
Master Kaei, the heir to the affluent and well-regarded Karasuma family, is back at home in Japan after a period of studying in the United Kingdom. Back at the mansion he has Kisaragi Soma to serve him. Soma is efficient and intelligent beyond his station. There is something unusual afoot and the two men need to counter it.
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