Atragon follows the story of a Japanese submarine crew who discover a lost continent and must navigate their way through dangerous encounters with kaijus and a hidden civilization. The crew, led by a veteran Admiral, face off against the forces of the Japanese military and try to save the world from destruction.
The Battle of Shanghai has been described as the last battle of World War I, and the first battle of World War II. It was a warning to the world, a warning that was ignored. And it was the place where the destiny of modern China was set in motion. Based on the book “Shanghai 1937: Stalingrad on the Yangtze” by Danish author Peter Harmsen, this film introduces key figures in the conflict, chronicles how the battle unfolded over the course of three months, and explores the aftermath and years of war that followed.
In 1968, Ogawa decided to form Ogawa Productions and locate it at the newly announced construction site of Narita International Airport in a district called Sanrizuka. Ogawa chose to locate his company in the most radical of the villages, Heta. Some farmers immediately sold their land; others vehemently protested and drew the support of social movements across the country. Together they clashed with riot police sent in to protect surveyors, who were plotting out the airport. Summer in Sanrizuka is a messy film – its chaos communicating the passions and actions on the ground.
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