Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon follows the story of Usagi Tsukino, a middle school girl who becomes the heroine Sailor Moon. Joined by her friends, the Sailor Senshi, they use their powers to fight against villains and protect the Earth. Along the way, Usagi also discovers her destiny as the Moon Princess and must navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and hidden identities.
The eleventh entry in the Toei Fushigi Comedy Series. Yuko Murikami stops by a shrine to pray for the new school year. Yuko accidentally breaks the bell and drops it on top of a turtle's head. Because she is the only person that stopped by the shrine in a long time, he grants her the power to become a superheroine, based on another ancient deity. It is her job to protect her neighborhood from the threats it faces. By yelling "Cosmo Magic! Métamorphose!!", she transforms into the Masked Beaty Poitrine!
On the brink of a third World War, superheroes appeared on Earth. Gifted with powers, their appearance brings peace to the world. The heroes each selected a country in which they would reside, serve, and protect its citizens. Shy is Japan’s hero, endowed with super strength. Her most daunting enemy yet? Crippling shyness. Join Shy and her super friends as she defends Earth and gains confidence!
Love Exposure (2008) follows the story of a teenage boy named Yu who tries to gain his father's recognition by becoming more devout. In his pursuit, he joins a cult and falls in love with a tough girl named Yoko. As Yu tries to maintain his double life, he experiences love, chaos, and unexpected twists.
When a four-man terrorist group known as Team Phantom begins raising havoc in downtown Tokyo, the city is in desperate need of a hero. An unexpected champion appears in the form of Lady Battle Cop, a former female tennis champion who has been transformed into a seemingly unstoppable cyborg.
A haiku club comprised of five unlikely students aim to win the national high school haiku tournament.
A 1984 direct-to-video tokusatsu short film produced and distributed by Daiei Video. The film is roughly divided into two portions; in the first, the main character speaks directly to the audience and introduces several pilots for the movie, which are played in their entirety. These include The Mighty Lady—an 8-milimeter student film produced in 1983—and two 1984 films simply titled Mighty Lady. This is followed by the film's main body, an original story in which Mighty Lady attempts to live life as a schoolgirl, then fights a giant robot.
Action movie sentai with heroines
In 18th century Japan, when a blind woman's father is killed by a young samurai avenging his own father's death, she agrees to be escorted to the nearest village.
It is the female version of Ultraman. The giant heroine battles giant monsters, including two that are suspiciously similar to famous movie monsters.
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