Out of the Cradle is a captivating documentary that delves into the fascinating journey of early humans, from their humble beginnings to their remarkable achievements. Through stunning visuals and insightful narration, the film takes us on an immersive exploration of the prehistoric times and the evolution of mankind. From the emergence of our hominid ancestors to their migration across Europe and Africa, this documentary sheds light on the challenges faced by prehistoric man and their relentless pursuit of survival. It offers a captivating glimpse into the prehistory of humanity, reminding us of the remarkable journey that led us out of the cradle and into the modern world.
After Man (1990) is an animated documentary that presents a vision of the earth millions of years after the extinction of humans. It showcases the imaginative evolution of various animal species and their potential adaptations to new environments.
Drama, heritage, soul; Actor Toma Ikuta trains for his first kabuki theater performance with his long-time friend, kabuki actor Matsuya Onoe.
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Sai Enterprise's Ginî piggu 4: Pîtâ no akuma no joi-san.
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