Amachan follows the story of a high school girl who returns to her hometown in the Japanese countryside and becomes a female diver. She navigates through friendships, school life, and the challenges of being a teenager while discovering her passion for diving.
When Marnie Was There follows the story of Anna, a shy and introverted girl who is sent to live with relatives in the countryside. While exploring her new surroundings, Anna discovers an abandoned mansion where she meets a girl named Marnie. As Anna learns more about Marnie and their friendship develops, she starts to uncover the truth about Marnie's identity and their connection.
Only Yesterday follows a 27-year-old woman named Taeko as she travels to the countryside and reflects on her childhood memories and the choices she made in life. The film explores themes of nostalgia, love, and personal growth.
When a man goes missing, his sister and her boyfriend journey to his house in the Japanese countryside, only to find a sinister doll and a series of supernatural occurrences. They soon discover that a female vampire is at the center of the mystery.
When a mysterious spaceship lands on Earth, a reptilian monster emerges and starts wreaking havoc. A group of scientists and astronauts must find a way to stop the creature before it destroys everything in its path.
Without heir or apprentice, Masamoto Ueda's recipes will die with him, which is perhaps the secret to his vitality and hunger for new ingredients and experiences even after 40 years—he is able to invent new techniques and flavours without the burden of tradition.
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