Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 (2001) follows the story of Tsubasa Oozora, a young and talented soccer player who dreams of becoming the best in the world. Through hard work, determination, and his incredible soccer skills, Tsubasa faces various challenges and opponents on his path to greatness, including the FIFA World Cup. With the support of his teammates and friends, Tsubasa strives to achieve his goals and prove his skills on the soccer field.
Shin Captain Tsubasa follows the journey of a skilled soccer player named Tsubasa as he competes in various tournaments and strives to win the World Cup. Along the way, he forms strong friendships with his teammates and faces numerous challenges in his quest for victory. This cult TV show is based on the popular manga series and features intense soccer matches, athletic training, and captivating storylines.
The second movie is about the return match between the All-Europe and All-Japan Junior teams, this time in Japan.
The first Captain Tsubasa movie is about a match between an "All Europe Boy Soccer Team" and an "All Japan Boy Soccer Team" and takes place at the end of the first TV series. When the Japanese team arrives in Europe they meet incredible players with skills and strength they never had to face before.
In the fourth movie, the classical Japan-Europe match becomes intercontinental. This time they arrange a world cup with 4 teams: Japan, USA, "All Europe", and "All South America". In the first match, Japan easily defeats the USA 3:0 and in the second match Europe loses 2:3 against South America. In the final round S.A. shows their "soccer cyborg" Carlos Santana, a more than supreme player who seems to be undefeatable. All their classical tricks like Hyugas "Tiger Shot" or Tsubasas "Top Spin" seem to be totally worthless, but in a hard and spectacular match the Japanese learn more and more to play in unison and finally they get the win.
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