Clara's Heart is a drama film that explores themes of grief, family relationships, and racial tensions in Baltimore, USA. The story revolves around the character of Clara, a Jamaican housekeeper, who becomes a source of comfort and guidance for the dysfunctional Hart family. As the family struggles with their own secrets and issues, Clara's presence brings about magical and transformative moments. Based on the novel, Clara's Heart delves into themes of racism, wealth, and the complexities of human relationships.
Funny Man is a dark comedy horror movie that follows the story of a jester-like character with supernatural abilities. The film is filled with hilarious moments and gory scenes, creating a unique blend of humor and horror. The main protagonist's journey takes unexpected turns as he encounters various eccentric characters and gets involved in bizarre situations.
Sexy supermodels Tyra Banks, Valeria Mazza, Kathy Ireland, Stacey Williams, Ingrid Seynhaeve, Rebecca Romijn, Angie Everhart, Manon von Gerkan and newcomer Georgianna Robertson hit South Africa for the 1996 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
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