Happy Tears is a comedy-drama film that follows a dysfunctional family dealing with their dying mother's illness and their own personal issues. As they embark on a road trip, they confront buried memories, reconcile relationships, and discover new perspectives on life.
In this documentary, we delve into the fascinating life of a musician who had a brief but memorable role as a ring-bearing hobbit in a well-known film. Through interviews with the musician, fellow cast members, and industry insiders, we gain insight into the challenges and triumphs of being a film-extra and the impact it had on the musician's career and personal life.
Paranormal Investigator Trevor Night discovers his son has the gift to see spirits. Using his son, Trevor begins to study spirits in the hope of finding his deceased wife but in doing so risks the relationship of father and son.
In 1902 Nellie Jackson, an African-American woman born into poverty in Possum Corner, Miss., travels north to Natchez and opens "Nellie's," a brothel she ran for more than 60 years with full knowledge of police and Natchez officials until a fiery end one hot July night in 1990.
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