Malta Story is a gripping drama set in Malta during World War II. The film follows a group of British military personnel, including a Royal Air Force pilot and a naval officer, as they defend the island against heavy air attacks and naval bombardments. The story also explores themes of heroism, resilience, and the impact of war on the civilian population. Amidst the chaos and destruction, a British intelligence officer must uncover and foil an Italian spy's plot to sabotage the island's defenses. As the island becomes a key stronghold in the Mediterranean Sea, the film showcases the bravery and determination of the Maltese people, as they endure famine, air raids, and the sinking of a warship. Starring Alec Guinness and Jack Hawkins, Malta Story is a must-watch for history enthusiasts and those interested in the untold stories of World War II.
In 1943, a German commando conceals a large quantity of gold in an undersea cave on the coast of Corsica. Years later, Schlumpf, the sole survivor of the commando, returns to Corsica to recuperate the treasure -- with British and Soviet spies on his heels, and closely monitored by Dromard, from the French intelligence services. The monocled Dromard is convinced that he can outfox his opponents, but difficulties accumulate: despite his plump appearance, Herr Schlumpf is a sly fellow; Corsica is teeming with treasure hunters from various nationalities; and all parties readily resort to unnatural alliances, brazen treachery, and strong-arm tactics. Who will get the treasure?
After a stamp-collecting Navy chief petty officer is jailed following FBI and Naval Justice investigation, his fiancee meets one of his fellow officers, becomes romantically interested in him, and joins him in trying to get an envelope, believed to contain rare stamps, to its intended recipient, only to end up in a web of intrigue involving foreign-accented men who are unusually interested in that simple envelope.
Action war film drama directed and written by Hysen Hakani with Muharrem Skënderi.
During World War II, an Italian agent tries to infiltrate the Albanian guerrilla units under the identity of 'engineer Tosti'.
The Forest of Freedom is a powerful drama that takes place during World War II. It follows the story of a group of soldiers who find themselves trapped in a forest, surrounded by enemies. As they struggle to survive and find a way to escape, bonds are formed and tested, revealing the true essence of freedom.
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