Rocketry: The Nambi Effect is a biographical drama that follows the life of Nambi Narayanan, an Indian Space Research Organization scientist who was wrongly accused and arrested for being a spy in 1994. The movie showcases Nambi's journey from his rise as an eminent engineer to being charged with espionage, facing physical and mental cruelty. It highlights his contributions to rocket science and his struggle to clear his name and regain his reputation. The story unveils the truth behind the conspiracy and the obstacles Nambi faced in his quest for justice and his role in shaping India's space research. Rocketry: The Nambi Effect is a gripping tale of determination, resilience, and triumph.
Mohanlal plays the role of OMR, an affluent NRI who does oil business in Singapore. The movie begins on a new year before when the "Red Chilles", an all-girls music band with nine members, are involved in an accident. The girls flee from the place to leave their car behind. Moreover, the girls work for OMR and it was his car they drove around. OMR is forced to come down to India. As a mystery, several other characters come into light, including a party secretary portrayed by Thilakan and four policemen played by Siddique, Vijayaraghavan, Biju Menon and Ganesh Kumar.
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