The Avengers and their allies must join forces to stop Thanos, who is on a mission to collect all the Infinity Stones and wipe out half of the universe. As they battle against Thanos and his Children, sacrifices are made, heroes fall, and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance.
Earth's mightiest heroes must join forces and learn to fight as a team in order to stop the mischievous Loki and his alien army from enslaving humanity. Along the way, they face internal conflicts and must overcome their differences to save the world.
After being captured by terrorists in Afghanistan, billionaire engineer Tony Stark builds a powerful suit of armor to fight against evil and protect the innocent. With his new suit, Iron Man uses advanced weapons and technology to take down the terrorists and right his company's wrongs.
When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to jump-start a dormant peacekeeping program called Ultron, things go wrong. The Avengers must stop Ultron from destroying humanity.
With the world now aware of his identity as Iron Man, Tony Stark must contend with both his declining health and a vengeful mad man with ties to his father's legacy. Ivan Vanko, seeking revenge against the Stark empire, recreates the Arc reactor and builds his own weaponized suit. Meanwhile, Tony battles palladium poisoning and clashes with the government and Senate hearings. With the help of fellow SHIELD agents, Tony discovers a new element to cure his poisoning and confronts Vanko at the Stark Expo, saving the day.
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes follows the adventures of the Avengers as they come together to protect Earth from a wide range of threats. The team consists of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Ant-Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, and Black Panther, each with their own unique abilities. They must work together to overcome obstacles and save the world from danger.
Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends (2021) is an animated TV show centered around the iconic superhero Spider-Man and his team of friends. Together, they use their unique powers and abilities to protect the city from various villains and save the day. Join Spidey, Ghost-Spider, and his other amazing friends on exciting adventures filled with action, teamwork, and superhero action.
Marvel's Avengers is a TV show based on the popular Marvel Comics superhero team. It follows the adventures of iconic characters such as Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and the Hulk as they come together to protect the world from various threats. The show is filled with action, adventure, and a touch of comedy, making it a must-watch for fans of the superhero genre.
After Tony Stark's world is shattered by the terrorist known as the Mandarin, he embarks on a journey to rebuild and seek revenge. Along the way, Tony discovers a plot involving unethical biological research and a treatment called Extremis. With the help of a young boy named Harley, Tony uncovers the truth and must stop the threat before it's too late.
A young, aspiring hero and superhero fan inadvertently unleashes a powerful new villain looking to rid the world of the Avengers.
Makoto, Adi, and Chloe attend a special training school where they train to become the heroes of the next generation. Unfortunately for them they are actually science experiments for Hydra. When Adi and Chloe get captured by Hydra for learning the truth, Makoto seeks out the one group he believes could help them- The Avengers. After rescuing the kids The Avengers decide to take them in and train them to be the heroes of the future.
A group of teenagers join forces with the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, to fight against the tyrannical Loki and his mighty empire.
The Super Hero Squad Show follows the adventures of a group of superheroes, including Iron Man, Wolverine, and the Hulk, as they work together to protect the world from evil. Along the way, they face off against villains like Doctor Doom and Abomination, and learn valuable lessons about teamwork and friendship.
Iron Man: Armored Adventures follows the story of a teenage Tony Stark who must balance his high school life with his responsibilities as Iron Man. With the help of his friends Pepper Potts and James Rhodes, Tony fights against various villains and saves the world using his advanced suit of armor.
The Marvel Super Heroes (1966) follows the adventures of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and other Marvel superheroes as they fight against super villains and protect the world from evil. The show showcases their individual stories and their teamwork as the Avengers.
When a terrorist organization threatens global security, Iron Man and Captain America join forces to stop them. Along the way, they encounter new allies and face off against a formidable supervillain.
Tony Stark, a billionaire industrialist, builds a high-tech suit of armor to save his own life and becomes the superhero Iron Man. He uses his advanced technology to fight against various villains and protect the world from threats.
The Avengers face a dangerous new foe who is unlike anything they have ever encountered before. As they come together to fight this powerful villain, they must rely on their teamwork and special abilities to save the world.
In LEGO MARVEL Super Heroes: Maximum Overload, the Marvel superheroes team up to stop Loki and the other Marvel villains from causing chaos and havoc. With plenty of action-packed battles, hilarious moments, and exciting adventures, this TV show is a must-watch for fans of the Marvel universe.
Iron Man faces off against a dangerous new enemy called Technovore.