Set in the year 1847 during the devastating Irish Great Potato Famine, Black '47 follows an Irish ranger named Feeney who returns to his homeland after fighting for the British Army abroad. Upon arriving, he discovers that his mother has died of starvation and his brother has been sentenced to death. Consumed by grief and anger, Feeney embarks on a mission to seek revenge on the British authorities who have caused widespread suffering and death through their oppressive rule and mismanagement of the famine.
The Hunger: The Story of the Irish Famine is a documentary that explores the devastating events of the Irish famine in the 1840s. It delves into the causes and consequences of the famine, including the mismanagement of resources and the mass death that occurred. The documentary also highlights the humanitarian crisis and the impact it had on Ireland and its people. Through powerful storytelling and historical accounts, The Hunger sheds light on one of Ireland's darkest periods.
In a time of famine a starving girl and her mother are rescued from the roadside by a stranger. But the stranger has other motives.
Narrated by Oscar-winning actor Jeremy Irons, The Genius of George Boole assembles academics and industry leaders from across the globe to explore the life and importance of one of the world’s greatest unsung heroes.
Colmán Sharkey - a fisherman, a father, a husband - takes in a stranger at the behest of a local priest. Patsy, a former soldier arrives just ahead of ‘the blight,’ a crop disease that caused the Great Plague, killing and displacing millions of Irishmen.
An Ranger (2008) is a drama movie that deals with the hardships faced by a family during the Irish Great Potato Famine. It explores the themes of survival, loss, and resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity.
The painful story of Ireland and the Irish people, who struggled for centuries to free themselves from the tyrannical clutches of the British Empire; an epic tale of poverty, hunger, despair, violence and unyielding courage.
Fear and superstition take hold of a young family during a time of great hunger in 1879 Ireland.
During the last year of The Great Famine in Ireland, a farmhand working for the local landlord has hardened his heart against his countrymen to ensure his own survival. But when he encounters a ghostly female figure stealing milk from the landlord’s barn his resolve is tested and he is beguiled on a journey towards hope.
In rural Ireland in the 1840s, a land dispute makes a man kill his brother. He buries the body at the bottom of his field but soon, his crops begin to die. This earthy horror blends the pagan traditions of the English folk horror cycle with more surreal and paranoid sensibilities, viscerally placing you into the protagonist’s deteriorating mind.
Ireland, 1845, and the potato crop has failed, bringing terrible hunger and plague. Everywhere people are dying or emigrating. The family of young Eily, Michael and Peggy, around whom this story revolves, does not escape. Their baby sister dies and is buried under a hawthorn tree. Their mother leaves them alone to go in search of their father. The children are determined to avoid certain death in the workhouse, where the poor are sent. So they set off on the dangerous journey across Ireland to find their great-aunts, Nano and Lena, whom they have only heard about in their mother’s stories.
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