The Looming Tower is a drama-filled TV show that delves into the intricacies of the intelligence agencies leading up to the September 11 attacks. Based on real events, it follows the FBI and CIA as they navigate the shifting political landscape and rivalry between these agencies. With the backdrop of the 1990s and the early 2000s, the show uncovers the missed opportunities and miscommunication that ultimately allowed the tragic events of 9/11 to unfold.
Shock and Awe is a movie about a group of journalists investigating and uncovering a government conspiracy prior to the Iraq War. They face challenges and resistance as they try to reveal the truth to the public.
From inside history's biggest empire, host Abby Martin records a world shaped by war & inequality, and explores the U.S. Empire, its rise to world hegemony and its impact on people and the planet.
The evolution of the former Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime, from the start of the 1980's Iran-Iraq war to the excalation of the ISIS/Daesh insurgency. in the 2000s.
In the year 2008, during a blizzard in Colorado, the US Vice President is snowed in a diner with a television crew. As news of an impending nuclear attack on Iraq unfolds, the Vice President must make a decision that could have catastrophic consequences. With tensions rising and political debates intensifying, the diner becomes the center of a high-stakes political standoff.
Homeland: Iraq Year Zero is a documentary film that follows an Arab family living in Iraq before and after the US invasion in 2003. The film explores the family's struggles, the impact of war on their daily lives, and the lasting effects of the invasion on the country.
National Bird is a documentary that explores the use of drones by the United States Air Force. It highlights the impact of drones on civilian populations, the consequences of drone warfare, and the experiences of military personnel involved in drone operations. The film delves into the ethical and legal issues surrounding drone strikes and raises questions about the consequences of surveillance and targeted killings. Through interviews with whistleblowers and survivors, National Bird offers a critical perspective on the role of drones in modern warfare.
In this documentary, the film explores the controversial and shady actions of Tony Blair, the former British Prime Minister. Through interviews and evidence, it showcases his involvement in the Iraq War and his role in imperialism. The film sheds light on the hypocrisy and smartass behavior of Blair, who was once seen as a poodle to the United States. It delves into the politics of 10 Downing Street in London and portrays Blair as a war criminal.
Horror - The story of a US Marine who has just returned home from the war in Iraq. In an ettempt to reunite with his young wife and Vietnam veteran father, he takes them back to the family cabin in Montana. - Kirk Harris, John Savage, Irina Björklund
"Freedom Fries: And Other Stupidity We'll Have to Explain to Our Grandchildren" is a whimsical look at patriotism and consumerism in America. It explores the absurdity of many of the symbolic gestures that have recently pervaded American culture, such as the wasting of French wine and the waving of Chinese-made American flags. Freedom Fries shows that these idle gestures stem from our culture of consumption and do real damage to our democracy as well as our humanity. With the aid of a leading scholar and an outspoken social activist this film draws a concrete relationship between American consumerism and patriotism.
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