Homeland is a captivating TV show that follows the story of Carrie Mathison, a bipolar CIA officer who becomes obsessed with capturing terrorists. As she navigates the murky world of intelligence and counter-terrorism, she must battle her own personal demons and the betrayals within her own agency. With its intense plot and thought-provoking themes, Homeland keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
It revolves around the two grandsons of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, Hassan and Hussein, and their relationship with their companions, sedition that occurred between them and their companions after the killing of Usman ibn Affan.
Navy S.E.A.L. sniper Chris Kyle's pinpoint accuracy saves countless lives on the battlefield, but the war continues to haunt him back home.
A group of Iraq War veterans, known as the A-Team, are falsely accused of committing a crime. They must go on the run to clear their name and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy. With their unique skills and resourcefulness, they work together to outsmart their enemies and bring justice to those who framed them.
In Deliver Us from Evil, a police officer and a priest join forces to investigate a series of bizarre and terrifying cases involving possessions and exorcisms. As they delve deeper into the supernatural occurrences, they uncover a dark and malevolent force that threatens to destroy everything they hold dear.
A chronicle of the decade-long hunt for al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden after the September 2001 attacks, and his death at the hands of the Navy S.E.A.L.s Team 6 in May 2011.
Victorious Mehmets is a TV show set in the early 20th century during World War I. The story revolves around a heroic Turkish soldier who defies all odds and fights for his country. With the backdrop of the Ottoman Empire and the challenges faced by the Turkish army, the show showcases the courage, heroism, and determination of the protagonist. From historic battles to personal sacrifices, Victorious Mehmets provides an intense and gripping narrative.
Over There is a drama series that follows the lives of a group of soldiers serving in Iraq. The show explores the challenges and experiences they face on the frontlines, highlighting the complexities of war, friendship, and personal struggles.
In 1971, Navy fighter pilot Leland 'Buzz' Harley soars through the skies with reckless abandon, agitating his co-pilot, Dominick 'Mail Man' Farnham. In pursuit of an enemy plane, Buzz pushes the aircraft past its speed limit, and he and Mail Man are forced to eject. Entangled by his seat belt, Mail Man crash lands in a forest. He survives, but is shot by hunters who mistake him for a deer. Twenty years later, Navy Lieutenant Commander Block drives to a remote Indian reservation to convince Buzz Harley's son, Sean 'Topper' Harley, to return to the Navy for a special mission...
Loosely based on the true story of two young men, David Packouz and Efraim Diveroli, who won a three hundred million dollar contract from the Pentagon to arm America's allies in Afghanistan. David and Efraim's business, AEY, grows rapidly, but Efraim becomes unstable and untrustworthy. They secure their biggest deal yet, known as 'The Afghan Deal', and encounter legendary arms dealer Henry Girard. As the deal progresses, David realizes the rounds are illegal and Efraim plots to cut Henry out. David is kidnapped by Henry, leading to a series of events that result in both David and Efraim being arrested by the FBI.
In the desolate Iraq war zone in 2007, a marksman and his wounded spotter are trapped behind a crumbling stone wall. As they struggle to survive, they face a skilled sniper who taunts them and picks them off one by one.
During the Iraq War, a Sergeant recently assigned to an army bomb squad is put at odds with his squad mates due to his maverick way of handling his work.
Lioness is a 2008 documentary that tells the story of women soldiers deployed to Iraq. It focuses on their experiences in combat and the challenges they face.
In the aftermath of a suicide bombing in London, a British ambassador becomes embroiled in a dangerous conspiracy involving terrorism and a government cover-up. As he investigates, he uncovers shocking discoveries about his own country's involvement in the events.
Taking Chance is based on the true story of Lieutenant Colonel Michael Strobl, who volunteers to oversee the military escort of Lance Corporal Chance Phelps' body back to his hometown. The film explores the emotional journey of Lieutenant Colonel Strobl as he witnesses the impact of war and pays tribute to a fallen hero.
Paul, a truck driver in Iraq, is buried alive inside a coffin after being attacked. With only a lighter and a cell phone, he must escape before it's too late.
Set during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a group of American soldiers stationed in a small village must navigate the challenges of war and occupation.
Megan Leavey is a marine who is paired with a bomb-sniffing dog named Rex while serving in Iraq. Together, they go on dangerous missions and form a strong bond. When Megan is injured in an explosion, she fights to be reunited with Rex and bring him back home.
House of Saddam is a TV show that chronicles the life and reign of Saddam Hussein, the ruthless dictator of Iraq. The series explores his rise to power, his brutal regime, and his eventual downfall.
In the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War, four soldiers set out to steal gold that was stolen from Kuwait, but they discover people who desperately need their help. As they raid Saddam's bunkers and find the gold, they witness an execution and decide to rescue prisoners. They start a war against Saddam's soldiers and eventually get captured. With the help of rebels and deserters, they rescue their friend and plan to escape to the Iranian border. After a series of challenges, they are arrested but ultimately cleared of charges, and the stolen gold is returned to Kuwait.