This documentary explores the events of the Massacre at Ballymurphy in 1971, where British troops in Northern Ireland were involved in the killing of civilians. It delves into the political, social, and historical context of the massacre, highlighting issues such as British colonialism, voting rights, housing discrimination, sectarianism, and the Troubles. The film also examines the aftermath of the massacre, including the public inquest and the impact it had on the community.
In 1974, a series of terrorist bombings in Birmingham, England, shocked the nation. This gripping drama explores the horrifying events and the subsequent investigation, shedding light on a shocking miscarriage of justice.
For more than a year in the early 1980s, police at Scotland Yard watched the build-up of a potentially massive threat to the stability of British society – a flood of the most perfect counterfeit currency ever produced. Unchecked, the tide of fake money could have destabilized the economy, the Bank of England and even the Government.
After the death of her son in an IRA bombing, a grieving mother becomes determined to seek justice and bring peace to her community.
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