In a desolate Arctic landscape, three young Inuits embark on a dangerous journey to find the legendary land of Sarila and save their clan from starvation. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and learn valuable lessons about friendship, bravery, and the power of unity.
Utquiagvik is the northernmost city in Alaska, located 555 km beyond the Arctic Circle. This meditative documentary follows its young Inuit inhabitants, who explore the desolate snowy landscape under the midnight sun and transform their home into a vast playground full of melting glaciers and abandoned ships.
Kajanaqtuq (2020) is a short experimental film that features the voice of Inuk elder Naulaq LeDrew. She speaks about her home in Nunavut, Canada and how Inuit lifestyles have changed since her youth. Altered Super 8mm film footage of the region illustrates her account of historical events and Inuit mythology.
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