Southbound is a twisted anthology of horror tales in the American desert. The movie follows various characters' journeys as they face their darkest fears and encounter supernatural forces along a desolate highway. From a deserted hospital to a creepy bar and an occult ritual in an abandoned house, each story unfolds with intense suspense and shocking twists. As the characters' paths cross and intertwine, they must navigate through the terrifying unknown and confront their own demons.
After getting saved by a stranger, a police officer falls in love with him. However, their relationship takes a turn when the stranger dies and his spirit possesses the body of a teenage boy.
The Shift is the story of one 12 hour night shift in the ER and the life and death decisions that have to be made. With the issue of euthanasia in the headlines this is a timely and compelling story.
A Centron Film presentation, produced by Gordon-Kerchoff, this color film is about a teenage girl who overdoses on alcohol and pills, and winds up in a coma, opens with the girl recovering in a hospital bed. This scare film from 1979 is essentially a public service announcement on the dangers of getting involved in drugs and the horrible effects that using drugs and overdosing can have on an individual and their loved ones.
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