Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend is a controversial and shocking anime movie that tells the story of a realm where demons and humans coexist. A young student athlete named Nagumo is chosen to become the Overfiend, a powerful being destined to bring about the destruction and rebirth of the world. As Nagumo struggles with his newfound powers, he becomes caught in a violent and sexually explicit battle between demons, humans, and otherworldly creatures. With graphic scenes of violence, sexual assault, and extreme horror, Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend pushes the boundaries of conventional anime, making it a cult classic among fans of the genre.
Barbarous Mexico is a compilation of terrifying tales that take place in the depths of Mexico. From ancient rituals to folk legends, this movie explores the dark side of Mexican folklore. Brace yourself for encounters with creatures, monsters, and unspeakable horrors.
A group of teenagers in a small town encounter the vengeful ghost of Mary Hatchet, a woman who was killed decades ago. As they try to uncover the truth behind her legend, they find themselves targeted by the supernatural entity, leading to a night of bloodshed and horror.
A woman finds herself trapped in a forest and tortured by a psychopath. She must use her wits and strength to survive the brutality and find a way out.
In this sequel, a condemned hitman finds himself trapped in a hellish Cathedral of Pain, where he must battle supernatural forces and endure torture and torment.
Morto does a magic show where all his tricks go horribly wrong.
A woman has trouble to sleep peacefully, for a reason she doesn't even imagine.
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