In the year 1967, an Italian civil engineer named Giorgio Rosa builds an artificial island in international waters near the coast of Rimini, Italy. The island, known as Rose Island, becomes an independent micro-nation where Giorgio and his friends live according to their own rules. However, their utopia faces challenges as neighboring countries and the Italian government view the island as a threat. Giorgio and his companions must fight for the independence of their beloved Rose Island.
Vessel is a documentary that tells the story of Women on Waves, an organization that provides safe and legal abortion services to women around the world, particularly those in countries where abortion is illegal or heavily restricted. The film follows the journey of Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, the founder of Women on Waves, as she sails aboard a ship to countries where women's reproductive rights are under attack. Along the way, the film explores the challenges and triumphs of the organization and the women it serves.
Hamburg, Germany, 1939. Getting a passage aboard the passenger liner St. Louis seems to be the last hope of salvation for more than nine hundred German Jews who, desperate to escape the atrocious persecution to which they are subjected by the Nazi regime, intend to emigrate to Cuba.
Pueblo is a gripping drama based on the true story of the capture and torture of the USS Pueblo, a US Navy spy ship, by North Korean forces in 1968. The film focuses on the mistreatment and interrogation endured by the crew members while being held as prisoners of war. It highlights the challenges they face in the prison camp, their struggle for survival, and the negotiations taking place between the US and North Korea. Pueblo explores the brutal reality of war and the resilience of the human spirit.
Documentary about the Flotilla to Gaza that was attacked by the israeli commandos in 2010.
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