The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp is a satirical British war film that follows the life of Colonel Blimp from his early days in the Boer War to World War II. The film explores themes of love, friendship, and honor while providing a humorous commentary on the British military and society.
Underground: The Julian Assange Story is a biographical drama film based on the true story of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. The movie follows Assange's journey as a computer hacker and his rise as an international fugitive and whistleblower. It delves into his fight against the system, highlighting the challenges and dangers he faces while exposing government secrets and corrupt practices. Set in the 1980s and 1990s, the film explores Assange's personal life, his relationships, and the events that ultimately lead to his status as a controversial figure.
An anime biography on Megumi Yokota, who was abducted by North Korea in 1977 when she was 13 years old. North Korea acknowledges abducting her and at least 12 other Japanese residents during the 1970s and the 1980s, but the country has not provided any conclusive evidence on her fate and most of the others.
Set in the "not-so-distant future", the crew of an international space station are set to return triumphantly to Earth, until someone starts killing the other crew members.
The inside story of Alexander Litvinenko's murder in London and the subsequent international manhunt that led to the Kremlin, told in full for the first time, with exclusive access to key individuals.
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