Prison Break follows the story of Michael Scofield, who deliberately gets himself imprisoned in order to help his brother Lincoln Burrows escape death row. Michael, an engineering genius, meticulously plans an elaborate escape for them, using his knowledge of the prison's layout and his tattoos that hold crucial information. As they race against time, they must navigate through a dangerous web of conspiracy and betrayal.
Sherlock Holmes, a brilliant and sociopathic detective, teams up with his loyal companion Dr. John Watson to solve complex murder cases in modern-day London. Together, they use deduction and their keen intellect to unravel mysteries and catch the culprits.
Moriarty the Patriot is a crime/mystery thriller anime about the iconic Sherlock Holmes character's adversary, Professor Moriarty. Set in the Victorian era, it follows Moriarty's journey as an anti-hero seeking revenge against the aristocracy and working with a loyal group of allies to dismantle the corrupt system. The series explores themes of justice, manipulation, and the blurred line between good and evil.
Move to Heaven is a drama TV show that explores the heartfelt journey of a mourner and his autistic nephew. Together, they discover life lessons through untold stories, ultimately finding healing and growth. Based on a novel, this emotional series highlights the importance of family and the transformative power of relationships.
House of Cards follows the manipulative and ambitious Francis Underwood, who stops at nothing to gain more power in British politics.
To Play the King is a TV show that follows the story of a cunning member of parliament who becomes the Prime Minister and battles against a psychopathic king to maintain his power. The show depicts the dark side of English politics, including corruption, dirty tricks, and media manipulation.
Kinsey is a biopic that follows the life and work of Alfred Kinsey, a zoologist turned sex researcher, who revolutionized the understanding of human sexuality in the 1940s and 1950s. The movie explores his groundbreaking studies and the controversy they sparked, as well as his personal struggles and relationships.
Chameleon Street follows the story of a highly intelligent man who pretends to be someone else in various situations, including a doctor and a prison inmate. Set in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the film explores themes of race, identity, and deception.
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