Intelligence is a TV show that follows the story of a female intelligence agent who is tasked with infiltrating a dangerous international crime ring. Along the way, she faces various challenges and encounters double-crossing individuals. The show explores the complexities of intelligence work, as well as the dynamics between Canada and the United States.
Spy City is a thrilling TV show set in 1960s Berlin, during the height of the Cold War. A British intelligence agent is sent to uncover an intelligence mole who is compromising their operations in the city. With tension and danger all around, he must navigate the world of espionage, betrayal, and secrets.
A spy haunted by the past gets involved in a car crash and blown cover while trying to foil a drug deal. He is forced into a police sting operation and mistakenly taken for a doctor. With the help of an unlikely friend, he sets out to bring down a drug cartel and uncover an intelligence mole. Along the way, he faces government surveillance, an exploding car, a jealous boyfriend, and a seduction attempt. This French parody-comedy from the 1990s features slapstick humor, mistaken identities, and a wedding anniversary celebration in Venice, Italy.
This character study of a French patriot during the Nazi Occupation has comedian Noel as the chief of the underground who uses his hobby of growing orchids to hide his radio equipment.
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