In this third installment of The Santa Clause series, Santa Claus must escape the grasp of the mischievous Jack Frost who wants to take over Christmas. Along the way, Santa faces challenges including his in-laws visiting and the sabotage of his workshop. Will Santa be able to save Christmas once again?
Linda Sinclair is an unmarried high school English teacher in the small town of Kingston, Pennsylvania. Her boring routine suddenly changes when her former student, Jason Sherwood, returns to town after failing as a playwright in New York City. As Linda helps Jason with his play, she discovers a new passion and faces the consequences of her actions.
A political consultant working for a conservative councilman finds herself falling for him, but their differing views on Christmas put a strain on their relationship. As she tries to juggle her career and love life, she must decide whether to embrace the holiday magic or stick to her beliefs.
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