Thicker Than Water is a comedy short film from 1935. The plot revolves around a bickering husband and wife who go through a series of comedic misadventures. They get involved in an installment payment plan, causing chaos and destruction. The husband ends up in the hospital after an explosion, and the couple goes through a series of transformations and complications. The film is filled with slapstick humor and black-and-white comedic moments.
In Bacon Grabbers, a repossession man mistakenly tries to repossess a radio from the wrong address, leading to chaotic and slapstick situations. The film is set in the 1920s and involves a comedic blend of gunplay, furniture destruction, and a steamroller mishap.
A newly wed couple cannot pay the installments for their house. Thus, Irene finds a secretary position at the firm George is working at, pretending she is George's sister. The company director, a womanizer, is flirting with her and asks her to marry him, while his sister starts flirting with George . . .
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