Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is a Chinese animated television series which was created by Huang Weiming, Lin Yuting and Luo Yinggeng, and produced by Creative Power Entertaining. The show is about a group of goats living on the Green Pasture, Qing Qing Grasslands/Plains, and the story revolving around a clumsy wolf who wants to eat them. Toon Express Group owns the copyrights of the characters.
The Legend of Qin follows the Qin dynasty from when the Emperor of the Qin, King Zheng conquered the other 6 nations and unified China, to the rise of the king of Western Chu, Xiang Yu, who capture the capital city, Xianyang.
Superman & Lois follows Clark Kent and Lois Lane as they return to Smallville with their teenage sons, Jonathan and Jordan Kent. As Clark takes on the role of Superman to protect the world, he and Lois must balance their superhero responsibilities with family life. They face threats both familiar and new, as they navigate the challenges of being working parents and battling villains determined to bring them down.
Haikyu!! follows the story of Shoyo Hinata, a high school student with a height disadvantage but a burning passion for volleyball. After witnessing a legendary player in action, Hinata joins the Karasuno High School volleyball club. With the goal of competing in the national championship, Hinata and his teammates face various challenges and rivalries as they strive to become the best volleyball team.
Supergirl, also known as Kara Danvers, is a Kryptonian who escaped her planet's destruction and landed on Earth. She chooses to use her powers to protect the people of National City and fights against various villains and threats. Alongside her friends and allies, Supergirl battles evil while balancing her personal life as a reporter and maintaining secret identities.
Morgan is a single mom with an exceptional mind, whose unconventional knack for solving crimes leads to an unusual and unstoppable partnership with a by-the-book seasoned detective.
Intimate musical performances, recorded live at the desk of All Songs Considered host Bob Boilen.
In the midst of the galaxy-wide conflict between the Republic and the Separatists, Anakin Skywalker and his young Jedi apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, embark on dangerous missions to bring peace to the galaxy while facing numerous challenges and uncovering dark secrets.
Noragami is a supernatural action-comedy TV show about a high-school girl named Hiyori who teams up with a homeless god named Yato in order to help him gain a reputation and fulfill his dream of building his own shrine. Together, they battle against various supernatural creatures and help lost spirits find their way to the afterlife.
Top Gear is a popular TV show that features a trio of presenters as they test drive various cars, compete in challenges, and go on exciting road trips. With its mix of comedy, adventure, and sport, Top Gear has become a beloved series for car enthusiasts around the world.
Triumph in the Skies is about the daily lives of the staff, working under Solar Airways (a fictional airline based on Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific). It has been compared to the now-cancelled NBC series LAX. It sparked an interest in aviation when first aired amongst Hong Kong viewers, as well as an interest in a small doll named "Triangel" featured early on in the series.
Miles Morales, along with a team of Spider-People, must protect the multiverse when they clash on how to handle a new threat, redefining what it means to be a hero.
NOVA is a renowned documentary TV show that has been on the air since 1974. It covers a wide range of scientific and technological subjects, delving into the depths of nature, uncovering mysteries, and highlighting the work of scientists. The show brings science to life through captivating storytelling and recreations.
After the murder of his father, a young lion prince named Simba flees his kingdom and must learn to navigate the harsh realities of the world, while ultimately accepting his destiny as king.
grown-ish is a comedy-drama TV show that explores the challenges and experiences of young adults in college. It follows a diverse group of friends as they navigate relationships, personal growth, and the complexities of university life. The show tackles themes of identity, sexuality, friendship, and the pressures of adulthood, all within the backdrop of American culture and college campus dynamics.
Wangyou, Master of Hanshui Temple died mysteriously and when the news about a golden coffin spreads throughout the world, it triggered disputes between the World of Martial arts. Join a group of youths, Lei Wujie, Xiao Se, Tang Lian, Sikong Qianluo, Heavenly Maiden Rui in their adventure as the mystery of the golden coffin unravels.
Right after Ryu Sun-jae, a top star, ends his life, Im Sol, his top fan, somehow ends up at a time when they were in high school and tries to protect him. A fantasy romance unfolds where people who missed each other in time finally meet.
Forrest Gump, with an IQ of 75, narrates his life story from the 1950s to the '70s. Raised in Alabama, he meets Jenny and they have parallel lives. Forrest excels in running, goes to college, enlists in the army, becomes a war hero, learns ping-pong, reunites with Jenny, starts a shrimping business, becomes a wealthy man, and eventually marries Jenny. They have a son and live a happy life until Jenny's death.