In the year 2023, humanity faces a threat from a race of giant monsters called Kaiju. To combat this menace, a group of teenage girls are trained to pilot giant robots known as Gunbusters. The story follows Noriko Takaya, a young girl with self-doubt and the pressure of living up to her father's legacy as she joins the fight against the Kaiju. Along the way, she discovers her hidden potential and learns the true meaning of heroism and sacrifice.
In Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (2008), the Federation is facing its biggest threat yet as they fight against insectoid aliens. With the planet at stake, a group of troopers must use their powered armor and strategic skills to overcome the enemy. However, they also face conflicts within their own ranks, including religious fanatics and mind control. As the battle rages on, the troopers must find a way to unite and save humanity from complete destruction.
In the 23rd century, humanity is engaged in a brutal war against giant insectoid aliens. The Federation sends an elite team of space marines, including a lieutenant and a female sniper, to a remote outpost under attack. As the battle intensifies, friendships are tested, and the soldiers face the horrors of the alien invasion. The movie is known for its graphic violence and mature animation.
A group of aliens arrive on Earth as part of an advance invasion force. Their mission is to kidnap a small sample of humans and run them through a series of rigorous tests to determine if they would make suitable slaves. Harper, one of the alien experimenters, has become frustrated with her planet's endless cycle of conquest and extermination and begins to feel some sympathy for her human captives. While the prisoners see a glimmer of hope in the compassionate alien, will it be any use in stopping the enormous attack fleet just a few days from Earth?
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