The Boys is a gritty crime drama that follows a psychopath, his ex-convict brother, and a parolee as they become entangled in a series of violent events. Set in Sydney, Australia, the film explores themes of family relationships, anger, lust, and the consequences of grievous bodily harm. As their story unfolds, the characters navigate the complexities of the criminal underworld, leading to a tragic event that changes their lives forever.
The Overnighters follows the story of a small town pastor in North Dakota who opens his church to a group of transient workers seeking jobs in the oil industry. As the pastor tries to balance his compassion for the workers with the concerns of the community, tensions rise and secrets are revealed. The film explores themes of faith, redemption, and the economic struggles faced by those seeking employment.
Complete strangers meet in a room to act out their sexual desires.
An underground revolutionary group struggles against internal strife to stage urban guerilla attacks against a fictionalized fascist regime in the United States. Interspersed throughout the narrative are rhetorical sequences that explain the philosophy of radical action and restrain the melodrama inherent in the thriller genre.
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