Too Rich: The Secret Life of Doris Duke is a tv show that portrays the enigmatic life of American heiress Doris Duke. The show explores her wealthy upbringing, her controversial relationships, and her philanthropic endeavors. It delves into her involvement with the Hare Krishna movement and her struggles with personal demons. This biographical drama is based on true events and is sure to captivate viewers.
During his deployment in Afghanistan, a young soldier named Andrew questions the behavior of his platoon, known as the Kill Team. He becomes increasingly disturbed by their unethical actions, including the killing of innocent civilians. As Andrew grapples with his own moral dilemma, he must decide whether to report the war crimes or remain silent to protect himself.
During World War II, Tarzan joins forces with a band of resistance fighters to thwart a group of Nazi invaders in the African jungle. As he battles against the Nazis, Tarzan must protect his jungle home while facing deadly traps and fierce animals.
Sarah, a plain and tall woman, brings warmth and love to a family in the prairie during the winter. She helps them overcome challenges like an influenza epidemic and a broken leg, while striving to rebuild a broken father-son relationship in the 1910s.
Tumbledown is a movie about a British war veteran who is left disabled and paralyzed due to a battle injury during the Falklands War. The film explores his journey through rehabilitation and the challenges he faces as he tries to cope with his physical disability and the impact it has on his life.
During World War II, Chinese guerrillas fight against the occupying Japanese forces. A young woman is the secret leader of the villagers, who plot to rescue two downed Flying Tigers pilots who are currently in the custody of the Japanese. The rescue mission takes on even more importance with the arrival of a Japanese general, which signals a major offensive taking place in the area.
Experience the horrors and triumphs of the 85-day battle of Normandy as Allied forces fought to liberate Europe from the Nazi regime. From the brutal amphibious landing on D-Day to the eventual German surrender, this documentary provides a comprehensive look at one of the most important battles in history.
One day after D-Day and American and German soldiers are separated from their respective units. Both Paul and Manning struggle with their situation. Everyone has their own reason for wanting to return home.
Epic history of industrial medicine in the first half of the 20th century, showing how manufacturers and the medical profession came to terms with one another and culminating in GM's rehabilitation program for returned World War II veterans.
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