MotherFatherSon is a gripping TV show that delves into the intricacies of a broken family, navigating themes of influence, privilege, and psychological drama. Set in the backdrop of British politics and media empire, the storyline follows the intertwined lives of a powerful media mogul, his estranged wife, and their son. As the family faces a crisis that brings them together, secrets are exposed, and investigations begin to unravel the truth. The show offers a captivating exploration of family relationships, mental health, power dynamics, and the consequences of life-changing experiences.
Adam, a fisherman's son, is given the opportunity to study at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the heart of Sunni Islam. However, he soon finds himself caught in a web of conspiracy as he becomes a pawn in the power struggle between Egypt's religious and political leaders.
A jury deliberates the guilt or innocence of a young man accused of murder, revealing personal biases and prejudices along the way.
Goro is a gynecologist and idol fan who’s in shock after his favorite star, Ai, announces an impromptu hiatus. Little does Goro realize that he’s about to forge a bond with her that defies all common sense! Lies are an idol’s weapon!
A group of high school girls is Copper Dimension's last defense against the dark forces. They signed a contract with Xiong Ya, a guardian of light, to protect the innocent with their lives in exchange for having one wish come true. When one of their own is killed in school, their hunt for the devils in human skin brings them face to face with their own inner demon. They soon discover they are not above the influence of evil.
Untouchable (2019) is a documentary film that explores the rise and fall of a prominent Hollywood film producer and his acts of sexual harassment and abuse. It delves into his influence in the industry and the impact of the #MeToo movement. The film sheds light on the psychopathic behavior and brutality of the producer, as well as the bravery of the victims who came forward to share their stories.
In the midst of summer, Alex, a successful influencer, invites a few friends to her small isolated country house. One evening, after streaming a live video, they are visited by a particularly persistent stalker - The begining of a dreadful night they'll never forget.
Laura, a talented influencer and beloved friend to many, struggles as she becomes paralyzed due to a horrific accident caused by her lover, Jojo. More devastatingly, Laura only discovers Jojo's true nature after she becomes helpless. Ultimately, she realizes that family will always be the only place to return to.
A small town is rocked by an allegation of child abuse, which leads to a criminal trial with a lawyer at the center of it. The case turns into a gripping courtroom drama as various witnesses testify and evidence is presented. The series explores the criminal justice system, the biases and influences that can impact a trial, and the devastating consequences of a miscarriage of justice.
This film tells the story of Pancho Villa, a Mexican revolutionary leader who fought against the government in the early 1900s. It explores his influence, military strategies, and relationships with other key figures. The plot follows Villa's efforts to take control of Mexico and bring about social and political changes, while facing various challenges and conflicts along the way.
No End is a drama film set in communist Poland in the 1980s. After the death of her husband, a woman must navigate the political and personal challenges of life under martial law. She becomes involved with a hypnotist who claims to be able to communicate with the dead, including her deceased husband.
Young Patricia Aguilar disappears, leaving her family devastated. Weeks of anguish ensue until they regain hope when Patricia shows signs of life, but she speaks and acts strangely, as if controlled by someone else.
Explore David Lynch's enduring obsession with The Wizard of Oz through this documentary that delves into the Technicolor through-line in Lynch's work.
Where's My Roy Cohn? is a documentary that explores the life and career of Roy Cohn, an influential and manipulative American lawyer. The film delves into his role as a mob lawyer, his influence in American politics, and his controversial tactics. It also touches on his personal life, including his closeted homosexuality. With interviews and archival footage, this documentary provides a comprehensive look at the life of a complex and controversial figure.
Revealing, intimate documentary spotlighting the Hollywood horror community.
Tom of Finland is one of the gay world's few authentic icons. His drawings have had an enormous influence on gay identity. Tom's ultimate leather men are known and seen everywhere. They are symbols of gay pride and friendship. The documentary includes some titillating 'enactments' inspired by Tom's art work.
Eleven major film makers from Europe, America and Asia talk about Akira Kurosawa and discover surprising influences on their own work.
This is a podcast by Enya Umanzor and Drew Phillips, where we hopefully give out laughter from our attempts at getting maximum attention!
Constance and her fiancé hope to one day take over, modernize and expand her father’s farm, on the verge of bankruptcy, to the large-scale farms that share the land and power. She gains the support of the influential and charismatic Sylvain, their fate quickly lying in his hands... When Sylvain's desire for her steps in the negotiations, Constance must face yet another kind of violence.
High school kid, Thorvald, embarks on an effort to change the name of his school's sports and academic teams from the "Vikings", to something less offensive to Norwegians. It's a love story.