Majokko Megu-chan is a magical girl anime series. The manga was created by Tomo Inoue and Akio Narita, while the 72-episode anime series was produced by Toei Animation between 1974 and 1975. This series is considered an important forerunner of the present day magical girl genre, as the series' characterization and general structure exerted considerable influence over future shows in the same genre. Most notably, several of the show's recurring motifs were recycled in Toei's Sailor Moon, AIC's Pretty Sammy, and Wedding Peach.
Ryuto Kashima is the school's gloomy introvert, and he's got a crush on Runa Shirakawa, the popular girl. After losing a bet to classmates, he confesses his feelings to Runa one day. Shocked and secretly just as inexperienced as Ryuto, Runa agrees to date him. The relationship grows between two people who are as similar as they are different. Will their young love blossom? Time will tell!
A young doctor is sent to a remote Russian village to practice medicine during the early 20th century. He struggles with inexperience, addiction, and the challenges of treating patients in a harsh and isolated environment.
Final Cut: The Making and Unmaking of Heaven's Gate explores the tumultuous journey of creating and releasing the film Heaven's Gate. It delves into the inexperience of the director and studio, the media frenzy and over-budget issues, and the ultimate failure of the movie. The documentary sheds light on the end of an era in Western filmmaking.
A family from a rural area of the Philippines moves to Metro Manila in search of a better life. They find themselves working in a security complex facility and get involved in a heist that puts their lives in danger. The protagonist, a former farmer, must navigate the dangers of the city while protecting his family.
Percy Winthram is a naive young man who still lives at home with his mum. In London for the Cup Final with his friends, he finds himself in a Soho strip club, where he meets blonde hostess Cyrenne. Accepting a bet from friend Ginger, he accompanies Cyrenne back to her flat, and a boast-worthy night of lust seems to be on the cards. However, drained of beer and bravado, Percy's innocence and vulnerability become all too evident.
Mekk Elek, an inept carpenter, gets into various misadventures with his anthropomorphic animal friends like a parrot, rabbit, and goat. They face troubles, persecution, and humiliation, but always find a way to escape and seek revenge.
In Porky's Duck Hunt, Porky Pig goes duck hunting with his trusty hunting dog, and hilarity ensues as they encounter various comedic mishaps and misadventures.
Cécile thinks one thing and its opposite. She wants one thing and its opposite. She doesn't know what she thinks or what she wants. So she talks about one thing and its opposite.
Margie Blake, a young bride just back from her honeymoon, wants to impress her husband Tim by baking a delicious chocolate cake for his lunch. But she assumes the recipe direction to "cream" the butter means adding dairy cream to the recipe, which ruins the cake. This educational short film explains the meaning of the cooking term "cream" along with other unusual terms such as "fold", "soft ball stage", "knead", "braise", "dredge", "marinate", "scallop", "white sauce", "scald", and "sheet from spoon test". Margie learns that all good cookbooks have a glossary in the back, defining cooking terms for the new cook. Meanwhile, she has time to bake another cake for her husband.
The strong man tries to help the old people, but only ruins everything.
An Original Video Animation (OVA) sequel to "Fight!. Iczer-1". Nagisa Kasumi is a 14-year-old girl who works part-time at a fast-food delivery service in a lunar colony at Earth's Moon. She has started having strange flashbacks to the memories of her own deceased grandmother, Nagisa Kano, who was the partner of the gynoid (female android) Iczer-1. The younger Nagisa is bonded through telepathy to Iczer-3, a new gynoid created as the "sister" and temporary replacement for Iczer-1. The original gynoid is recovering in a healing chamber from injuries sustained in battle. Iczer-3 has to continue the battle against the villainess Neos Gold, and the resurrected evil gynoid Iczer-2. While Iczer-3 has similar powers and weapons to her "sisters", she lacks their experience and emotional maturity. The rookie heroine and her new partner have to learn how to adapt to the situation of a new war.
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