The Angry Silence is a 1960 drama film that follows Tom Curtis, a factory worker who becomes resentful of the oppressive silence and conformity of his co-workers during a labor strike. As the shop steward and his wife try to convince Tom to join the strike, he faces intense pressure to conform. Tom decides to stand up against the silence, exposing the corrupt practices within the factory and fighting for his rights as an individual. This gripping film explores themes of labor relations, industrial strife, and the power of speaking out against injustice.
Teresa is a soap-opera actress. Meeting again an old passion brings her back apparently lost memories, leading her to question not only her love life but also her career options. In the studio, the daily work is spiced by the frenzy group of younger actors. After all, they all ask the same question: where does happiness lies?
João and Jaime work as taxi drivers for the same company. But, once the company's vault is robbed by Raul, the manager's son, João is the one to blame.
One thousand power workers went on strike against the South East Queensland Electrical Board (SEQEB)in February 1985 in protest against the introduction of contract worker hire. This documentary details the industrial relations dispute between the ensuing Joh Bjelke Peterson coalition government and the Electrical Trades Union in Queensland, Australia during 1985.
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