In the Name of the Land follows the story of a farmer named Pierre who works tirelessly to keep his farm running and provide for his family. Set in rural France, the film explores the challenges and sacrifices Pierre faces as he battles against industrial agriculture and the changing landscape of farming. Through the years, Pierre must navigate personal hardships and financial struggles while trying to hold onto his land and preserve the rural way of life.
Not less than 3 men and 40 animals were found dead on the Breton beaches. The identity of the killer is an open secret: green algae. Inès Léraud is still a young journalist when, driven by an ecological conscience, she decides to go to Brittany to investigate this phenomenon. Through her encounters with whistleblowers, scientists, farmers and politicians, she elucidates, not without difficulty, half a century of silence: samples that disappear in laboratories, bodies buried before being autopsied, influence games, pressure... Will the truth win?
In the rural setting of Vendée, France, a small-town mayor, an architect, and the media clash over a failed architectural project that sparks environmental and political debates. Through satire and comedy, the film explores the tensions between country and city cultures while raising social and environmental issues.
Lisa, an aspiring songwriter, whose farming family has suffered foreclosure is forced to work at a new, 'urban farm' where she meets Dalia. Her casual racism leads her to be fired but the women end up drawn into a passionate affair.
God's Country is a documentary film that takes a deep dive into the lives of a farming community in the American Midwest during the 1980s. The film explores the challenges faced by the community, the impact of social and economic changes, and the resilience of the people in the face of hardships and adversity. It provides a slice-of-life portrayal of the era, capturing the struggles and triumphs of the blue-collar, middle-class families in the region.
Farmland - the new green gold. Hoping for export revenues, Ethiopia's government leases millions of hectares of farmland to foreign investors. But the dream of prosperity has a dark side where the World Bank plays a very questionable role... Dead Donkeys Fear No Hyenas investigates land grabbing and its impact on people's lives. Pursuing the truth, we meet investors, development bureaucrats, persecuted journalists, struggling environmentalists and evicted farmers deprived of their land.
Meat the Truth is a documentary that examines the environmental consequences of meat production, focusing on issues such as global warming, animal rights, and industrial agriculture. It highlights the negative impact of the livestock industry on the environment and advocates for vegetarianism and plant-based diets as more sustainable alternatives.
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