In this animated short film, a young boy receives a present from his mother that brings unexpected happiness and teaches him valuable life lessons. Through the heartwarming bond he forms with a three-legged dog, the boy learns about friendship, love, and the joy of giving.
"Strip Mahjong" series in which many sexy actresses co-star. An audition will be held to choose the second generation of Yuriko known as a legendary idol. Those who dream of the top of the idol, or those who are blinded by the prize money play a matchless mahjong game.
Natsu (Maria Wakatsuki), a female college student, had a physical relationship with the fairness of her circle friends, even though she had a boyfriend named Shugo. However, just because fairness is more compatible with the body than Shugo, there was no particular feeling of love. Natsu sometimes asks herself, "Why do you fall asleep with a man you don't like?" At that time, I used to talk to my friend Noa (Maina Yuuri). However, one day, an incident occurred in which Noa's ex-boyfriend Masaya committed suicide in front of her because she was angry with Noa...
A teenager goes to talk with his friend about a mysterious dream he had, only to realize that it may never have been a dream at all...
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