Frontier is set in the late 1700s, during the North American fur trade. The show explores the power struggles between rival factions, including European fur traders, Native American tribes, and Outlaws. It follows the story of Declan Harp, a half-Irish, half-Native American outlaw who is determined to break the monopoly of the Hudson's Bay Company.
Following Chief Inspector Armand Gamache as he investigates cases beneath the idyllic surface of the Quebec village, Three Pines, finding long-buried secrets and facing a few ghosts of his own.
This six episode series chronicles the cruel treatment of indigenous children in plot1. Through the story, it explores themes of foster-home, indigenous-peoples, saskatchewan, 1980s, montreal-quebec-canada, jewish-canadian, canadian-woman, child-protection, indigenous-reserve, child-abduction, parental-rights, child-welfare, sixties-scoop, adoptive-mother-adopted-daughter-relationship, discrimination, regina-saskatchewan, abducted-child, child-custody, racist-government-policy, siblings-separated, ojibwe, ojibwe-indian, ojibwe-tribe, loss-of-family, engaged-woman, engaged-couple, adoptee, canada, canadian-history, indigenous-family, 1960s, adoption, indigenous, indigenous-history, child-taken-away-from-parents, forced-adoption, female-protagonist, child-protective-services, taking-away-children-from-their-mother, racial-discrimination, based-on-true-story, tv-mini-series, indigenous-children, indigenous-canadian, daughter-taken-away-from-parents.
The Indian Act, passed in Canada in 1876, made members of Aboriginal peoples second-class citizens, separated from the white population: nomadic for centuries, they were moved to reservations to control their behavior and resources; and thousands of their youngest members were separated from their families to be Christianized: a cultural genocide that still resonates in Canadian society today.
In Canada, more than 500 cases of Aboriginal women have gone missing or been murdered since the 1960s. Half the cases have never been solved. Now find out what First Nation leaders are doing to try and swing the pendulum in the other direction.
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