Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li follows the story of Chun-Li, a young woman trained in martial arts, as she seeks justice and revenge against a criminal organization that kidnapped her father. Along the way, she discovers her own inner strength and becomes a powerful force against evil. Set in the backdrop of urban decay and social decay, Chun-Li battles with her martial arts skills and determination to bring down the evil businessman behind the organization.
City of Joy is a movie about an American surgeon who travels to Calcutta, India to volunteer at a medical clinic. He becomes friends with the locals and witnesses the poverty and corruption that plague the city. Despite the challenging circumstances, he finds hope and optimism in the midst of it all.
Haseena Parkar is the story of a woman who rose to power in the crime world of Mumbai. From being a sister to India's most wanted criminal, Dawood Ibrahim, to running her own crime empire, Haseena's journey is filled with violence, power, and tragedy.
Shootout at Wadala is a gripping crime-based action drama that takes place in 1982 Bombay. It follows the story of the rise and fall of the notorious gangster, Manya Surve. The movie showcases the events leading to the infamous shootout at Wadala, which shook the city and changed the criminal underworld forever.
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