ODDTAXI is a thrilling anime TV show set in a world where animals inhabit human society. The story follows a taxi driver who gets embroiled in a series of dark mysteries involving missing teenagers, psychotropic drugs, and viral posts. As the plot unfolds, the protagonist's past and the secrets of the mysterious girl he encounters are revealed.
Kyoko, a newly-appointed English teacher at a rural but well-respected, prestigious prefectural high school, had spent her childhood and high school years overseas before returning to Japan. Because she lived abroad for a long time, she cannot understand the old-fashioned ideas peculiar to Japan and tends to be frank about what she thinks. On the eve and the day of the school entrance examination, various incidents occur. There is the spectre of someone attempting to wreck the examination for some motive. Everyone present is a potential suspect and the truth remains shrouded in mystery to the end.
Documentary director Yuko portrays a school violence incident from three years ago that resulted in suicides, while she was teaching classes at her father’s cram school. As her documentary project progresses, Yuko discovers a hidden truth and becomes deeply involved in the lives of the families pained by that secret truth.
The life of the kind-hearted policeman Study, and endless unexpected incidents faced
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