Sister My Sister is based on a true story and revolves around the disturbing relationship between Christine and Lea, two sisters who work as maids in a wealthy household in 1930s France. As their isolation and jealousy intensify, their once close bond turns into an obsessive and incestuous affair, leading to a tragic event that will change their lives forever.
The Quietude is a movie about family conflicts, dark secrets, and the complex relationships between sisters and mothers. It delves into themes of infidelity, incestuous desires, and the consequences of hidden desires. The story revolves around a woman who discovers her husband's infidelity while dealing with the death of their father and a family estate. As tensions rise, secrets are revealed, leading to dramatic confrontations and unexpected twists.
A sexually frustrated woman, living with her sister and the latter's husband, is tormented by bizarre nightmares and violent erotic fantasies.
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