To Each, Her Own is a heartwarming comedy-drama that follows a young woman named Simone as she navigates her love life and sexuality. Set in France, Simone must deal with her conservative father's disapproval while exploring her attraction to both men and women. Through various comedic and heartfelt moments, the film explores themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the complexities of relationships.
Margarita with a Straw follows the journey of Laila, a young Indian woman with cerebral palsy, as she explores her emotions, relationships, and sexual identity. Despite her disability, Laila is determined to experience life to the fullest and pursue her dreams. Through her experiences in New York City and in her own home country of India, she learns about love, intimacy, and the complexities of human relationships. This coming-of-age story tackles themes of disability, sexuality, and personal growth, ultimately empowering Laila to embrace her true self.
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