In this third installment of The Santa Clause series, Santa Claus must escape the grasp of the mischievous Jack Frost who wants to take over Christmas. Along the way, Santa faces challenges including his in-laws visiting and the sabotage of his workshop. Will Santa be able to save Christmas once again?
Johnny Flanagan did not have the privileges of a good education or wealthy background but the streets developed his natural talent to be a great fighter. His enormous potential to reach the top is born out of a string of spectacular successes. All of which is brought to a halt when he develops a physical relationship with his manager's wife, the beautiful but manipulative Lorna. His naive temperament is no match for her callous, dispassionate scheming and he unwittingly becomes a pawn in Lorna's ultimate plan... .to murder her husband.
An accidental slip reveals that a happily married couple were intimate before marriage.
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