A Million Miles Away (2023) is a biopic that follows the inspiring story of Jose Hernandez, a young boy who, alongside his family, moves from Mexico to California as migrant workers. Despite facing numerous challenges, Jose never gives up on his dream of becoming an astronaut. Through hard work and determination, he graduates from college and lands a job as an engineer. Despite facing racial stereotyping and repeated rejections from NASA, Jose continues to pursue his dream. Eventually, he is accepted into the NASA space program and goes on a mission to Russia. Along the way, he faces personal loss and struggles with his training but ultimately emerges as an exceptional candidate. Finally, in 2008, he is chosen as a mission specialist for STS-128. This film showcases the power of perseverance, sacrifice, and the importance of never giving up on one's dreams.
In Nazi Germany, 21-year-old Cioma Schönhaus escapes the Gestapo by forging passports and assumes a new identity as a marine officer. He navigates the city's nightlife, finds a glimpse of love, and saves lives through his talent for forgery. However, his actions put him in increasing danger, and he must rely on one last forged ID - with his true name - to survive.
The Seeds of Vandana Shiva is a documentary that explores the impressive biography and activism of Vandana Shiva, focusing on her fight against global agribusiness and the impact of agriculture on climate change, biodiversity, and social justice. The film dives into topics such as seed monopolies, regenerative farming, and the role of corporations like Monsanto in the food production industry.
Caveman: The Hidden Giant is a documentary that explores the impressive biography of a sculptor and his thirty-year journey in uncovering a hidden cave in the Apuan Alps. The film delves into the sculptor's eccentricity, his unconventional relationship with his father, and the social conventions he defies through his contemporary and neo-classical art. Amidst darkness and secrecy, the documentary showcases the creation of a stunning nude statue that becomes a masterpiece.
Underground poker player Bobby Diamonds enters the spotlight in this hallucinatory, hilarious, and heartfelt documentary. Directed, Produced, and Edited by Robert Aaron Mitchell Executive Producer Sarah Dillard Mitchell Winner of Best Short Documentary Tokyo International Short Film Festival (2022) Winner of Best Short Documentary Venice Fullshot Film Festival (2022) Official Selection Munich New Wave Short Film Festival (2022) Official Selection Toronto Smartphone Film Festival (2023)
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