Barry, a bee who just graduated from college, is disillusioned with his career making honey. He meets Vanessa, a florist, and discovers humans eat honey. Barry decides to sue humans and ultimately succeeds, but realizes the consequences of his actions and helps save the world by pollinating flowers.
Love at Stake is a hilarious comedy horror film set in a small town called Salem. The town is besieged by witchcraft, leading to chaos and hilarity. The mayor and judge are in cahoots to take over the town's land, and a good witch tries to stop them. The movie is filled with parodies, dance numbers, and absurd situations. Love at Stake is a hilarious spoof of the Salem witch trials, with a mix of supernatural elements and comedic shenanigans. It's a fun and entertaining movie that will keep you laughing from beginning to end.
Arguably the funniest of the four famous Hui brothers, Michael has a tour-de-force vehicle in this naughty little comedy playing four different characters, each one in a compromising situation. And the laughs do come big and hearty as Hui bounces his cheeky humour off a terrific large supporting cast including the sophisticated Hu-chin and the lovely Pai Hsiao-man. Keeping the Benny Hill-style hi-jinks afloat is stalwart Shaw director Li han-hsiang who manages to switch flawlessly between these cheeky flings and his period epics.
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