Ikiru follows the story of Kanji Watanabe, a government official who is diagnosed with stomach cancer. Realizing that he has limited time left to live, Watanabe embarks on a quest to find meaning in his life. Through his journey, he discovers the importance of making a positive impact on others and finding happiness in the small moments. This poignant drama explores themes of mortality, loneliness, and the search for purpose.
After being sentenced to death for the murder of his girlfriend, a recovering alcoholic must uncover a cover-up plot and find evidence of his innocence within 24 hours.
Griffin is a middle-aged man who is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. He meets Phoenix, a vibrant woman who is also living with cancer. Together, they embark on a journey to make the most of their remaining time and find happiness in each other's company.
In 'Dick Johnson Is Dead,' director Kirsten Johnson explores the impending death of her father, Dick Johnson, who has been diagnosed with dementia. To cope with the emotional toll, Kirsten stages comedic and fantastical death scenes involving her father. Through these scenes, she explores themes of mortality, family relationships, and the power of filmmaking.
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