Suryavanshi is an action-packed fantasy movie that follows the journey of a cursed prince who is reincarnated and seeks revenge on his enemies. Along the way, he discovers his true powers and finds love in a dangerous world filled with betrayal and secrets. With sword fights, supernatural powers, and a love triangle, Suryavanshi is a thrilling adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
A stage magician named Montag the Magnificent performs gory illusions that shock and astound his audience. However, when people start turning up dead in ways similar to his tricks, a reporter and investigator work to uncover the truth behind the horrifying events. As they delve deeper into Montag's twisted world, they discover a surreal and nightmarish realm where nothing is as it seems. With elements of horror, mystery, and surrealism, 'The Wizard of Gore' takes audiences on a chilling journey into the mind of a mad magician.
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