The Four Horsemen resurface, and are forcibly recruited by a tech genius to pull off their most impossible heist yet. One year after outwitting the FBI, the remaining members of the Four Horsemen-J. Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson) and Jack Wilder (Dave Franco)-are in hiding, awaiting further instructions from The Eye, the secret society of magicians they've been recruited into. Atlas, having grown tired of waiting for a mission, seeks out The Eye himself...
The illusionist is mysterious, captivating and mesmerizes all those around him. But is he really a swindler or a man with extraordinary powers? This fascinating telenovela tells the story of seductive Herculano Quintanilha, who exerts significant influence over his great love Amanda, the Hayalla family and his friends. These and other enigmas can be found in The Illusionist, a telenovela where seduction is the great secret.
Follow illusionist Dynamo as he performs mind-boggling magic tricks and stuns audiences with his extraordinary abilities. This documentary TV show takes you behind the scenes and explores the world of magic and illusion.
Join renowned illusionist David Blaine as he astounds viewers with his mind-bending tricks and incredible feats of magic. Through interviews and jaw-dropping performances, Blaine leaves audiences questioning what is real and what is simply magic.
The multiple means of making art after the end of illusionism led these artists to create performances, sculptures, earthworks, tableaux, furniture, shaped canvases, and more, using unusual materials. They explore the process of making forms and giving meanings to those forms. In this idea art, their focus is as often social and psychological as artistic. Some of their activities enlist engineering and construction techniques, others compose texts or scripts that are central to their art. Some cast the viewer in the role of a spectator, while the others demand active participation. The sources for their concepts and art works are equally diverse; the delicate proportions and balance of Early Renaissance painting, the exploration of the surface of the moon, the structure and inventions of vernacular architects, to name only a few.
Derren Brown: Infamous is a captivating documentary that delves into the extraordinary world of Derren Brown, the renowned illusionist and mentalist. Through his incredible abilities in magic, psychology, and mind control, Brown mesmerizes audiences and reveals the secrets behind his astonishing performances. This thought-provoking film offers an intimate glimpse into the mind of a true master of deception.
Known as "El Mago Pop," illusionist Antonio Díaz shocks and awes celebrities and bystanders around the world with his mind-blowing performances.
The "Magician of the Century," illusionist Criss Angel dares to transcend boundaries once again. With more than 30 illusions, "Trick'd Up" gives an uncensored look at Criss as he astounds audiences with new revolutionary demonstrations.
Mat performs in front of astounded stooges all across the USA.
On the anniversary of Houdini's death, William Shatner hosts a live special to honor the late magician with various magical acts and rare live footage of Houdini, including some never seen before.
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