In this action-packed comedy, a variety of characters participate in an illegal cross-country race known as the Cannonball Run. From outlandish costumes to reckless driving, the contestants will go to any lengths to win the ultimate prize. Along the way, they encounter a female police officer, encounter highway patrols, face off against a batman character, and deal with other hilarious and unexpected obstacles. This cult classic ends with a memorable freeze frame.
Cannonball is an action-packed movie set on an illegal grand prix race where drivers compete in a dangerous car race across the United States. The film follows the story of a man and a woman driving a car, evading the police, shooting their way through various challenges. With a mix of American muscle cars and German automobiles, including AMC Matador, BMW, Chevrolet, Dodge Charger, Ford Granada, Lincoln, and Pontiac, the race becomes a high-stakes adventure filled with intense car chases and thrilling moments.
A 3000 mile race from San Francisco to Miami that took place in the Spring of 2003. 150 cars and stars created all kinds of mayhem and chaos over 6 days racing from coast to coast!
Marc owes a criminal a quarter of a million euros. So it's just as well that there's an illegal car rally across Germany to win exactly that amount. Inconveniently, he is now supposed to look after his eight-year-old daughter.
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